
How To Make A Wordpress Blog Post Sticky

All webs that work thanks to WordPress sort the posts in the blog's home page using the date of publication in chronological order by default. However there are times when we want to skip this order and set a post to appear always first. In this mini-tutorial we will see how to set up a post as sticky post.

WordPress has many interesting features included in its Codex. Some well known and others less known by the little use given or because their configuration is very lost in the admin panel. This is the case of the "Stick this post to the front page," which means that we can use a post to be displayed always first.

Setting a post as outstanding from the post edit page

There are two ways to set a post as outstanding. The first is from the post edit page that we want to become prominent. So we access our administration panel through and seek our post on Post> All Posts.

Once we are inside the administration panel of our post, we look for the option box "Post" and we click on the "edit" to change the options "Visibility."

visibility-post-wordpressIt will be displayed a number of options. They serve to indicate the visibility of this post. You can choose if it will be public (visible to all users) or have any restriction (password protected or private.) But the option that interests us is a checkbox called "Stick this post to the front page." Mark it, click on the OK button and then click on "Publish."

Set a post as outstanding from the quick edit

The second option does not require access to the edit page of the post. We access the list of "All items" just from our panel of WordPress. This will show by default the last 20 posts per page (you can see more by using the navigation buttons between pages.)


When you pass the mouse over one of your post, you will see displayed under the title a number of options: Edit, Quick Edit, Trash, etc … We are interested in "Quick Edit," which will deploy us a series of options after clicking on the link.

As you will see options are varied. We can edit the title, url, assign categories and more. But we seek the checkbox called "make this post sticky," which is among the latter. After choosing this option, click on update to save the changes.


Extra options for sticky posts

In addition to set the first article regardless of the date of publication, WordPress adds a class to the HTML that we can use to give a special style. The class is.sticky and as an example of what you can do you can view this demo of our template for WordPress Rosalie, where regardless of the columns that we have decided for our design, the featured posts will always be displayed at 100% width.


The theme Silvio is a similar example where the featured post serves as a welcome for visitors. All this with a couple of lines of CSS that are already loaded on the theme. Anyway, the user will have to click on the box above to active it in the design.

Some almost unknown functions that are very useful in WordPress

Setting up a post as sticky post can serve us for a guide to introduction mode always at the top of our home or, for example, to highlight an offer or a notice for a limited period. And if you add a featured picture to draw the attention of your users with a text in a creative font you will get a greater impact.

Note that this feature is since version 2.7 in the codex of WordPress and many users still unknown it.

If you want to know other secrets of WordPress come by the WordPress section of our website or take a look at the following posts.

I hope this helps you!

How To Make A Wordpress Blog Post Sticky


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