Need to make a video, only don't accept a camera? No trouble!

There are enough of imaginative ways to create video with just a laptop. We'll walk you through ten of the most accessible and straightforward ways you tin can make video without any fancy gear at all. Alarm: once y'all read this post, you're out of excuses for not making more video!

1. Artificial Intelligence

No, really. There are online services that allow you to create videos using AI to handle the editing process.

First, you'll need to pick a topic by inbound text or a URL. Then, the platform you're working with will put together a video using sophisticated algorithms, licensed content, and automated editing tools.

One such platform is Wibbetz, a startup using AI to automate video editing. Some other option is GliaStudios, which works in a similar manner.

A related option is Magisto. They allow you to upload your ain clips, and uses AI to edit them together according to the mood you select for your video. This is a expert pick if you lot've already got some content to work with.

None of these options are fully automated – at least, not nevertheless. Y'all notwithstanding retain plenty of command over the branding and terminal output of your video.

2. Alive Stream

Don't have fourth dimension to record and edit a video? Live streaming is a quick and easy mode to become a message across to viewers.

Every bit a bonus, a recording of your live stream is automatically saved to your SproutVideo business relationship. You can then share the on-need video as-is, or download it, make some tweaks, and reupload information technology to our platform. It's basically a two-for-1 solution to creating a video with only a laptop.

Y'all tin live stream using your camera'south built-in webcam, a screencast, or pre-recorded video files. For a more thorough guide on how to live stream, bank check out our recent How To Video episode on the six uncomplicated steps to live streaming for business.

3. Screencast

Screencasts allow you to capture activity on your screen equally y'all navigate different programs or webpages. Frequently used for support videos, screencasts are a not bad way to walk viewers through a specific process, or teach a new skill.

Hither's our guide to making a professional screencast, with detailed steps to follow:

First, you'll demand a screen capture program, like Quicktime, SnagIt, Screenflow, or Movavi. At that place are many, many other options, from complimentary to paid. Endeavour out a few, and pick the one that all-time suits your workflow.

Key features to wait for include HD video support, easy navigation, sound capture, and special furnishings, similar the power to highlight a specific part of the screen.

Then, pick a topic. It could be showing viewers how to utilize a new tool, or to consummate a procedure correctly.

Do the steps you lot'll be navigating ahead of time. It will help ensure a smooth video, with fewer mistakes.

Although yous can record the screencast and audio at the same time, that might non be ideal. If you miss a line, or stumble for a discussion, you don't want to have to redo the whole sequence. For this type of video, recording the audio separately could relieve you a lot of headaches, even if you have to edit the audio and video together afterwards.

However y'all choose to record the audio, quality does thing. You don't need a fancy microphone to sound great. The most of import factor might be a actually serenity room in which yous can record your script.

You tin make do with the built-in microphone for your laptop, employ your phone, or spring for an accessory. For instance, this microphone does a smashing job for voiceovers. Whichever microphone yous choose, jot down the bullet points you'll need to striking, and start recording!

4. Webcam Talking Head

Technically, this requires your laptop to have a built-in photographic camera. Most do these days, so we're counting information technology!

The key to making a talking head video that looks professional person is to go the lighting right, position the laptop correctly, and frame your shot well. Your traditional desk setup is non probable to be optimal for this type of video.

If your laptop is on your desk, it'due south much too low to get a flattering angle when filming your face. You'll want to raise information technology upward so the camera is roughly at eye level. Then, bending the camera slightly down to avoid giving viewers a glimpse up your nose, or the dreaded double mentum outcome.

looking good on a webcam

The photograph in a higher place contrasts two dissimilar camera angles. On the left, the model is looking slightly downwardly at the camera, resulting in a less flattering image. On the correct, she's looking slightly up at the camera, which is typically flattering on most people. It'southward subtle, merely a small change in a photographic camera angle tin work wonders on film.

Lighting is equally important. Move any available table or floor lamps behind the laptop, and position them and so they softly illuminate your face up. Make sure in that location aren't any harsh shadows behind you. Also, cheque to be certain y'all're non silhouetted by a backlight, such as a window.

Finally, frame your shot properly to make sure information technology's visually interesting. Be sure to take care of the basics, similar immigration clutter behind you. Rearrange article of furniture and art if y'all have to, in order to create a visually appealing infinite.

With your laptop positioned correctly, flattering lighting, and a properly framed shot, you're fix to film! In order to do and so, you will need software to enable you to tape video from your webcam. If you're using a Mac, you lot can apply Quicktime, or if you're on Windows, y'all can use the Photographic camera app.

5. PowerPoint

Did you know y'all can export video from PowerPoint? This isn't actually the best mode to make video, if nosotros're being honest. But, it will exercise in a pinch!

Microsoft provides an extensive guide to using PowerPoint to create video. You'll need to be familiar with using PowerPoint. Even and so, their guide warns that it could be a time-consuming process to undertake.

Y'all'll probably want to add a voiceover to your video, too. We wrote a guide recently about making professional voiceovers on the inexpensive. If you're working with just a laptop, y'all'll be limited to your built-in mic. You can notwithstanding go a good result equally long every bit you can command the amount of background noise in your surround.

6. Animated Video

If you get with an blithe video instead of live activeness, the earth is your oyster. Not merely can you exist extremely creative, you take a plethora of options to choose from, and total control over the end result.

Unless y'all are a talented artist or design professional, we'd recommend going with an online service that takes the guesswork out of creating animations. Some of our favorite options for animated video include Vyond, Raw Shorts, and Powtoon, but in that location are plenty of other great choices.

Sketch out the different scenes of your video to help visualize how y'all'd similar the end result to exist. This tin can be as rough or as detailed as you'd like. It'south a simple footstep, just information technology'll help you stick to your concept, and achieve a polished event.

This animated explainer video for Padmapper by Grumo Media is from 2011, but information technology'southward still engaging and nicely done:

Keep information technology short and sweet! Specially if y'all're merely starting out, it'll be easier to stay motivated if y'all don't attempt for a feature length film correct off the bat.

If you lot get stuck, there are professional animation studios, similar Grumo Media, or our friends Adelie Studios, that can help bring your ideas to life.

seven. Stock Imagery

Believe information technology or not, you don't even need actual video clips to make a video. You can use still images, and some uncomplicated editing techniques, to create a visually interesting video.

This type of video works best for news, current events, or historical videos featuring well-known figures. Information technology tin also work for brusque commercials or clips.

In this case, you'll want to carefully script your video and then yous can more hands search for the imagery you'll need. When reading through your script, call up nigh possible ways you could portray different sections visually. Any specific places or renowned people are central to include.

You can purchase images from popular sources similar Getty Images or Deliquesce. Or, scour gratuitous sites for the images you lot demand. We dearest Pexels, Unsplash, and Pixabay.

To keep it visually interesting, you'll desire to use a mix of panning, zooming, transitions, and possibly an editing technique known as the Ken Burns effect. Each adds motion in unlike ways to make it more of a video rather than a slideshow.

8. Stock Video Clips

You really don't accept to pic everything yourself. If y'all're pinched for time, or merely have a laptop, you tin find everything you need on the internet.

For example, Dissolve put together a pretty convincing video using only stock footage:

Although it'south meant as a parody, the video effectively proves the point that you tin make a polished and attractive video with merely stock footage.

Check out this updated article for an extensive guide to using stock footage, and finding it for free (or cheap).

nine. Recorded Webinars

Webinars can be a great way to grow thought leadership, respond customer questions, or attract new leads. Once it'due south over, don't just discard the recording. Make it bachelor to other website visitors equally a resource, or as marketing for future webinars.

Most webinar platforms, like Webex or GoToMeeting, offer the power to record and consign video out-of-the-box. You don't really demand to exercise any more than that if y'all don't want to.

However, it might exist worth cleaning things up a bit. Say there's a flake of chitchat at the beginning that doesn't really add anything to the content of the webinar. You'll likely desire to trim it using a video editing program like iMovie or Movie Maker.

Sometimes, the visuals for the webinar aren't that great, but the sound content is. In that case, you can become even further to edit your webinar into a more than polished video. Swap out the visuals for higher quality screencasts, images, or stock video content.

You'll need an editing program that can separate audio and video tracks. Both iMovie or Movie Maker offer that, every bit does Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere, among other options.

10. Repurpose Existing Videos

This one might be cheating slightly on the "you only need a laptop" premise. However, unless y'all're really merely getting started with video, you probably have an existing library of clips or finished videos.

Dive into that library and remix and lucifer to create new videos. Information technology might be equally simple every bit creating a shorter version of a long video to share on your social channels. Or, an updated voiceover for an older video.

…Or, a Combination of the Above

Each of the approaches above could outcome in a finished video. Even so, you might need a combination thereof to achieve the result yous want.

For instance, you could mix voiceover from a webinar with a screencast of your website. Or, take some quondam content, and add together a new intro using your webcam to frame it differently.

Variety is the spice of life, as they say. There'due south no real reason to exclusively use one technique when making a video.

Once you've created some quality video content, you'll want to pair it with the proper video marketing tools. Here at SproutVideo, we provide premium video hosting that comes with a whole host of powerful marketing tools to take your video marketing efforts to the next level. Try the states free for 30-days to see for yourself.