
Unfollow Me Now This Is The Only Thing Tweet


unfollow me right now this is the only thing im gonna tweet about

(this is gonna be long but i promise its worth it if ur curious about how brandy and calum thing started bcos i followed her last yr and screenshotted a bunch of stuff for fun, now I'm going through them and here's what i have)

they were friends in late september 2019 and she was clearly proud of that cos she replied to a tweet asking why calum likes her pics and replied they were friends (on 3rd jan my timezone probably 2nd jan if u live in la) and when she tweeted wanting his stans to follow her, (the "I'm close to 50k" tweet).

on 3rd jan 2020 she also replied in an instagram 5sos stan group chat,( im not in the gc i only saw screenshots) she replied "what is this im telling calum what yall saying, calum said yall weird, just kidding <3 but bye guys just wanted to say hi".

she probably got a small crush on him in march 2020 or maybe even earlier than that cause he's famous handsome and rich and thats her type lmao and thats the only celebrity friend that she has. she also drunk called him in march doesn't that only happen to someone who has feelings for that other person. at this point i assume they've been casually talking like maybe the friendly but flirty type idk calum liked and commented heart pics to a lot of ig girls in 2020 and she was one of them.

and then in 5th may 2020 i think brandy uses her music as an excuse to text him once in a while cause she shared her music we know this bcos of @kikosdream's screenshot. basically may and june 2020 was the peak, she interacted with 5sos stans, even likes the random replies that mentioned calum by name at random tweets, liking pics and video edits of CALUM, and even pics of sierra deaton, rting, liking and subtweeting, tweeting about crushes 24/7 and all. in may she liked and interacted with a lot of 5sos stans and i have a feeling they interact in group chats or something cause in 19th may she said she didn't get her feelings reciprocated, also tweeted "u ever want someone so bad u wanna start acting right, like lemme delete some tweets". 24th may she tweeted "now that everyones asleep i still want him" also tweeted aquarius are the only ones left cause they have never hurt her. 25th may she tweeted "who wanna distract me from how much i want this boy" and a 5sos stan asked who she replied who else. 25/24th may also was when the tweets "i think I'm a 5sos stan now" and "following stan accs of ppl my dms daily makes me feel like a double agent" happened.

and then during blm, te'erika, the ex-5sos stan asked brandy to tell calum to speak up about blm, she replied that they don't regularly text but she told him anyway that people are waiting on 29th may. so calum posted about blm on ig 4th june and on Twitter it was earlier than that maybe 1st june.

9th june she claims shes already preparing a future with someone regardless if they want her or not so she's emotionally unavailable.14th june she quote rtd an astrology tweet about Aquarius people being unresponsive. june 20th she tweeted the "australian accent my coochie heard sum" and then in june 25th the excel tweet happened so i really think bcos of blm they started to talk more and got more flirty. june 29th she said she has a crush. (again) 1st july someone cancelled a date with her and then she tweeted "one thing abt me. imma get him if i want to" on 3rd july lmao.

but when she got called out for being a lesbophobe on 6th of july she quited down a lil lmao it was kinda funny her online persona kinda shifted for a lil while. i followed her in may and unfollowed on july so idk any other things happening that might relate to calum in august until december of 2020 especially when she moved back to philly and dated a girl for a bit i lost interest HAHA. she did say she had "8 men on the roster" in november though so calums probably not the only person she had a crush on.

k movin on to march 2021, she posted the calum sweatshirt tiktok, tweeted that she had sex lmao and calum started liking her pics more than before. if u scroll further down her tiktok there's so many tiktoks about her crush/crushes, ppl that shes seeing. but i think calum and brandy started talking more in march. in april when fans noticed the sweatshirt tiktok she wore it AGAIN literally the next day after szatanalum posted about it lmao. i just realised she deleted two tiktoks from april first is the one where she said "do u ever get excited cos the person ur seeing ended up really liking u and its progressing into something real and serious.." the one szatanalum's ig posted and second is the 9th april "walk of shame" tiktok. i don't remember when she first claim on twitter that she has a boyfriend though she did claim to have a man on 22th april, and then on may the bracelet thing happened.

TLDR: im convinced shes been obsessed with him for a year now and i'm not suprised if she said i love you first lol or who knows i could be wrong 🤷‍♀️

in my opinion i think calum likes her cause he thinks she's "funny" and got more personality than sierra n, probably knows how to push and pull and not always throw herself at him, she's "woke" cos she asked him to speak up about blm lmao and also she's sex positive, probably would be ok with experimenting in sex life (but at this point she seems obsessed with him i doubt she wanna do a threesome or a polyamorous relationship)and i think calum said before that he's a "free soul" or something like that so maybe he sees her as someone similar to him. this is just MY opinion alright.

and yes i do have a lot of time in my hands this is actually really fun thing for me to do to kill time lol and i just wanna share this with yall cause no one else around me is a 5sos stan smh

I was so entertained by this. Thank you so much for taking the time to type and point all of this, because you basically made a time line for us.

Don't want to bother you anymore, but is there any possibility you can send it those screenshots? If you don't want your user to be published on the blog you can always private message us. Once again, no pressure.

# mary# almondmilkhunni# calum hood# timeline

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Hey girl, i need some advice and i hope you can help me. I don't know if you've been through this but i guess so bc i saw some asks ago where you were talking about this and yeah

How do i deal with someone i love (ex partner) moving on so quickly and being with another girl?

And like, when that happened to you did you compare yourself to that girl? Because that's also a huge issue of mine, im always comparing myself to her and stalking them like ugh HELP


the first thing you're gonna do is, hear me out: you're not gonna get involved with ANYONE. not for a good while, not until you're ready. trust me when i say that the one who moves on the fastest after the breakup is the one that'll suffer the most. even though it might not seem like it now, even though he might be experiencing happiness right now, in some months reality's gonna hit and it's gonna hit him hard. why? because he didn't process the breakup. he didnt allow himself the time to get over you and just moved on so he wouldn't have to deal with the bad feelings. literally a few months after what happened to me, his best friend texted me saying how he tried covering up a huge hole with a quick bandaid and now he was realizing how it had only been a temporary solution to a permanent problem.

the second reason why you're not gonna get involved with anyone else is because that's what he's expecting you to do. he immediately moved on to someone else in part to hurt you — and he WANTS you to move on with someone else so that he can feel the satisfaction of you trying to replace him. it'll boost his ego and it'll make it easier for him to warp his perception of you into someone who he doesn't respect.

if there's one thing i know is that men always come back, no matter how toxic or healthy what you had was. they come back when they sense you getting over them, they come back when they see how amazing you're doing, they come back when they realize how much they messed up.

so what you're gonna do is focus on yourself. im not just talking about a physical glow up, im talking mental. when i went through that i couldnt stop comparing myself to her, i used to have an amazing confidence but i let myself shatter it, constantly feeling like i wasn't enough, like i wasn't loveable, like i was replaceable just because he replaced me. you know what helped? working on my individuality. right now im focusing so much on developing my style, wearing things out of my comfort zone, things that make me happy, things that make me feel so sexy and confident. unique things. working on my makeup skills too and how to express myself with makeup. skincare and haircare too, there's something so healing about taking care of yourself and being gentle and dedicating all the love and care you deserve and start seeing results. go watch hyram on youtube if you want to learn about skincare! it's so much fun. about the mental part: astrology has helped me so much. you gotta be infatuated with yourself, with learning more about you and your past and your traumas and unhealed shit that you need to acknowledge and work on. also manifestation and saying daily mantras to myself about how pretty and smart and interesting i feel, and listening to music that makes me feel sexy. i find exercise boring bc i need to be constantly stimulated so what i started doing was dancing to just dance videos on youtube and now i cant stop LOL ITS SO FUN, gets my blood pumping makes me feel sexy when im dancing to rihanna songs AHDJDJDJ and makes me feel more energized. and for the love of god: PLEASE get a hobbie. you don't need to do a lot right now, just ONE. hobbies give you so much self-worth and make you feel so capable and like you're art creating art - i dont want to be cheesy but it is true that interesting people have interests, this is the time for you to get into something you've always wanted to do or that you used to love doing as a child but stopped because life got in the way.

i also want you to allow yourself to feel. don't repress - whenever you want to cry, cry. whenever you miss him, allow yourself to. whenever you remember all the amazing things he did, or all the terrible things he did, or that YOU did, allow yourself to feel all that. time heals nothing, it's you who's gotta put in the work to heal yourself.

also, this is the time to focus on your friendships. join an online community or talk with your current friends, talk with them through what happened, be with people who can make you laugh just as hard as he did. communicate all that you feel to them, about your past, about how much you love them, doesn't matter.

a thing that i did that helped so much was that i'd imagine him coming back and begging me to get back together with him, and i'd imagine being at a point that i felt so good by myself, that i was so confident and so focused on my shit that i'd tell him no. and eventually i became that girl, who was over him and deserved so much more than some childish kid who thinks i'm replaceable, and that's exactly when he came back. so, please remember that just because you feel like he replaced you, it doesnt mean he did. you are irreplaceable, unfuckwitable, unlinkable, way too good for ANYONE.

and PLEASE STOP WITH THE STALKING LMFAO THAT'S THE WORST PART OF ALL, IT'S SO HARD TO STOP STALKING AND TO NOT ANALYZE EVERY LITTLE THING THAT HE LIKES AND TWEETS AND EVERYTHING THAT SHE POSTS BUT YOU'RE GONNA STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. you dont need to block them, there's an option on twitter that lets you silence them so you'll never see them on your tl, if it's on other social medias where you can't silence, unfollow and block. know that it doesn't matter who's prettier or smarter or hotter, SHE'S NOT YOUR COMPETITION. know that as much as you're comparing yourself to her, she's comparing herself to you ten times worse. sending your pics to her friends asking them if they think you're pretty and shit. she's not your enemy and it's not her fault he's an asshole. so you'll just let them completely out of your life. also, out of sight out of mind. avoid seeing him. if you have work together or school together or ride the bus together or whatever, avoid all the places where you know he'll be. make an effort to never be around the same places as him.

i wish you good luck my love, know that you're the shit, literally the hottest and smartest bitch alive and that's something he'll never be able to take away from you. this is what helped me through the worst times, so take it with a grain of salt pls im not an expert. I LOVE YOU

# answered

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okay the whole memes and jokes about jared's tweets on the tl was funny but anti jared's are saying this about him calling him attention seekers that he been that way calling him a victim now i'm not saying they are right but i do know jared was genuinely upset i mean if i was him i would be upset too my friends not telling me or including me in a show spinoff that i have been apart of for 15 years but what im saying is i know some people don't like jared but if you don't like him why talking about him? i mean do you antis get a joy out of spreading so much hate to someone you don't like? instead of ignoring them the only thing i can defend about jared is his mental health issues he struggles with that and i don't know if you know this but in interviews he did he said he had suicidal thoughts before so yes just because you love to go on social media and express how much you hate this person saying how trash and horrible they are that person can still see those post even if they aren't following you and you not following them but do still find a way to see it and still trigger their mental health there's is celebrities or anyone i don't like but you don't see me spreading hate about them because i don't know if they struggle with mental health issues and suicidal thoughts and depression i just ignore and don't talk about someone i hate so they don't come across and see my hate posts about them i know we were told too ignore are haters and don't listen to them but still just because we do that don't mean it can't be triggering expressly to are mental health so i don't care if you don't like jared i don't care if you are hoping and being all happy that jared and jensen are gonna stop being friends i know people said jared unfollowed jensen but i think he followed him back so i don't know what their friendship stands but please stop trash talking jared if you hate him so much then ignore him this is probably gonna be the last time i talk about supernatural and the actors because i don't want to talk about a show or anything related to supernatural because most of the people who are in the fandom is negative and toxic and i don't vibe with people like that yes the memes and the jokes about jared tweets were funny but some of the negativity is bad for my health too and i struggle with bad anxiety and seeing negativity on social media triggers that so yea i'm done i might take a little break from here to stay away from the negativity until it dies down i'm gonna focus on my health now have a good day be back soon bye✌️

# jared paladecki# jensen ackles# supernatural# im done# be back soon# mental health# depression# anxeity

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I'm hslsisb are you in denial of how social media slaughtered him during the Met Gala, his XF performance, the crickets at iHeart, the drag for his comments in the iD magazine interview, and the current hate from 1D fans over the tweet? "Only 1D fans / everyone else" hdkshsusb girl it is genuinely just not April 2017 anymore.

first: please don't even call me girl because you just made it worse. use the right pronouns.

second: is he hated because of those meaningless things you just listened? he lost a bunch of followers for one suit that didn't work? is he really going down fall because he is not talking about one direction 27/4? as far as I'm concerned, he still has the highest net worth out of them all even when zayn and niall were the first ones to put out actual solo material. everything is silent and steady right now because he's not doing anything but if he drops something everyone is gonna lose it immediately because harry tends to drop things out of nowhere like the clickbait king he is. the bitch it's known. he truly is despite what the 1d fandom expects from him? cos he already gained an audience outside the band. again, if people ditch him for real, like, I'm talking about plain unfollowing him and ban him from their lives, it's 1d fans. that has happened before and it will happen, the only ones who care about, again, one single tweet, are the fans. cos everyone else still loves the hell out of him.

im sure he's gonna lose some followers but not enough to make him look like a tragic, failed singer song-writer, actor and model. he's still all of those things unless he does something really stupid. then you can come and talk about how it's his downfall.

# answered

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The Untamed: Episode 2

1. "Is Wei Wuxian your dad?" "No, he's my idol" is the funniest exchange ive ever heard about a long-dead assumed war criminal

2. the slo mos in this show... like why slow down her dance... idk

3. the hero of this episode is apple. no criticism will be accepted

4. the fact that the first thing wwx thinks of his nephew is "ew hes a peacock like some other jin clan members i knew" is. frankly rude but also kind of painful

5. it shatters my heart that these brothers are in such shambles right now. jiang cheng needs a hug yall thats it.

6. ... did wwx really need to cut all 400 spirit nets. also the imp look on his face when lan clan gets blamed for that shit. peak chaotic dick energy

7. lwj watching jiang cheng to see if he'll activate zidian is so tense but also so funny in retrospect like. they really are so angry with each other. also the whole "i heard you've been a lot of places this last sixteen years. searching for someone?" line is just rude like come on jiang cheng are you gonna act like you didnt look for his body for so long that it's part of the legend

8. first silence spell of the show. victim: jin ling. theres that maternal influence he's been missing. also why is jiang cheng so rude to his nephew like why are you putting down a sixteen year old kid dude. i mean i feel for the guy because he's had to live with so much for so many years but i thought his takeaway would be "don't be like my mother" rather than hold up its evil stepmother time

9. wwx in black hiding behind that tree trunk is possibly the dumbest thing he's done so far. which is impressive considering other things he's done is throw a tantrum and steal someone's peanuts by freezing time

10. god yes we stan lan yuan king of level headedness. which father do you think he gets it from

11. did lwj tell them not to take risks because he thinks this also has something to do with wwx??

12. that first glimpse they get of each other. ugh

13. YANLI IN THAT REFLECTION>>> my baby deserved better yall

14. why do people talk so loudly about other people's business in this show. someone get wwx some ear plugs

15. wwx slapping himself. the self loathing. i think pretty much only yanli has that effect on him.

16. why does yuan's bud keep attacking innocent people. like we get it youre a cultivator. he's raking leaves

17. the lanlings need adult supervision. or at least a sign that says "dont approach the dancing human looking rocks"

18. shouldn't nightless city be overrun with soul gathering grass lowkey

19. i want someone to tell me im good at eating

20. someone tell me why im crying in the clan burial ground right now. oh right. its cuz my love wen qing is looking all kinds of mysterious and tragic AND I CANT EVEN SEE HER FACE

21. "they don't know that god's can't even carry themselves, let alone others' wishes" is such a raw line and its just annoying that jin ling, sixteen year old brat of jin and jiang clans, said it. he takes after his uncle. no not that one.

22. wwx and his fucking paper talismans. the duct tape of the yiling patriarch

23. KIDS WAIT UP. SIR. sir you've been dead for the last sixteen years you're like max twenty five. dying twice really only adds a couple years. and like 0 wisdom points apparently.

24. sixteen plus years later and wwx is still mad about the lan clan teaching method. a petty king

25. LMAOO i forgot that jiang cheng and lwj literally sat at those outdoor picnic tables in complete silence and waited for their clanlings

26. IM THE IDIOT ASKING WWX WHY HE's playing flute so terribly as they're being attacked by the stone lady. like. kid. your master plays the fucking qin every time he's dealing with any supernatural drama. wwx is just bad because hes out of practice chill out

27. WEN NING THE GHOST KING. i missed him. also the chains? goth look of the decade. also i totally forgot that like. wen ning killed jin ling's dad and like all that stuff. and that they executed him. suddenly all the freaking out even on wwx's part makes sense.

28. he plays the song lwj composed for him,,, to calm wen ning down,,,, and then he wonders for 40+ episodes how lwj recognized him back then. moron patriarch.

29. if someone doesn't start treating wen ning like a person very soon, im going to lose it

30. when he, walks back, right into lwj, right at the musical crescendo... chef's kiss and painful agony rolled into one. cinematic poetry. the shocked eye contact. unfollow me now this is all im going to be tweeting about for the next year. lan zhan not letting go when wwx goes back to playing. literally my heart.

31. the pleading in wei ying's eyes. the fucking yearning in lan jan's. i empathize with wwx still wishing he was dead.

32. why is adult jiang cheng... so unlikable. i forgot that literally he's unbearable after he loses his whole family and is forced to rebuild his entire clan by himself.

33. and so the tale of lwj protecting wwx with everything he has begins. i respect one (1) man and it's this regal motherfucker who only ever looks scared when someone's attaching wwx

34. "you think you can beat people because you're rich and powerful" IDIOT THATS LITERALLY ALL YOU DID FOR YEARS. i mean not really but. wwx admonishing someone else for being blinded by anger is. ironic.

35. "you'll be shocked to death if i take it off" is such sibling energy im crying

36. lan zhan!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD DIE FOR YOU and the way your hand goes to your sword when Wei YING's being threatened!!

37. the expression on his face when the kid says "people say you killed him yourself" he's so *clenches fists* sad!!

38. i like how wwx's reaction to literally every sad interaction with his family is to fall

39. seeing the three of them together for the first time for the third time.................... im dead inside

40. wwx was straight up wildin at 16 with his rampant fucking alcoholism... also emperor's smile coming from lan clan territory is once again peak irony and i love it

41. "i can even recite your words now" five second later, "i have places to be"

42. jiang cheng your daddy issues are literally in the street right now chill


even after sixteen years, local idiot has no chill when it comes to dead brother and related trauma

# suz liveblogs the untamed

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Unfollow Me Now This Is The Only Thing Tweet


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